Xauth.notes - a description of how to set up the secure Xauthority environment. This is needed for the PDPRP in order for it to use the Tcl/Tk send command for inter-process communication.
addsoft - my procedure for adding new software to the systems.
addusers - my procedure for adding new users to the Unix systems.
exports - a few words on how to make changes to the exports file active without having to reboot under Linux
kernel - how to recompile a Linux kernel.
newdisk - how I added a new disk (on a SCSI controller) to Begonias.
changes - changes I made to the standard Linux distribution on Begonias and the other Linux boxes. Refer to this when installing a new Redhat Linux machine.
needs - a few things I decided at some point that the Linux systems need.
undoc - a few programs that are installed in the Linux systems which don't have man pages.
xconfig.12may - the Begonias kernel configuration file (from make Xconfig) as built on 12 May 1997.
xconfig.22may - the Begonias kernel configuration file (from make Xconfig) as built on 22 May 1997 which includes support for the Cyclades serial port card we are using in Ingrid.