PDPRP Technical HQ
PDPRP Technical HQ
HQ is a fairly simple code that has routines that are called
by other Tcl/Tk programs that set or return values of internal
variables. It should be fairly well documented internally.
The available commands are:
- settelpos - set telescope position
- gettelpos - get telescope position
- getpicstatus - get picture taking status
- settelmoving - set telescope moving status yes=1/no=0
- gettelmoving - get telescope moving status
- setlightbench - set name of bench with light
- getlightbench - get name of bench with light
- setbenchcam - set name of camera on bench
- getbenchcam - get name of camera on bench
- setbenchfilter - set name of filter on bench
- getbenchfilter - get name of filter on bench
- setbenchwave - set wavelength used on bench
- getbenchwave - get wavelength used on bench
- setlongobs - set long (multi-cycle) vmg/osl mode 0=off;
10/26/36 = on 10"/26"/both
- getlongobs - get long (multi-cycle) vmg/osl mode
- setregionno - set region number
- getregionno - set region number
- setsportbusy - set serial port busy (1=yes, 0=no)
- getsportbusy - get serial port busy variable (1=yes, 0=no)
- setimageloading - set flag saying get a new image from disk
- getimageloading - get flag saying get a new image from disk
- setimagedone - set flag saying new image has been loaded
- getimagedone - get flag saying new image has been loaded
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