Telcon Update for Flexure Button
Telcon Update for Flexure Button
Selecting this check-button updates the coordinates (and the telescope position)
for flexure. That is, as time goes on and the telescope flexes more and more
under gravity, these deviations will be taken into account and LBC will attempt
to keep the current image centered in the telescope's field of view. Our ability
to correct for flexure is
only as good, of course, as our flexure measurentes, contained in the
file. You can see what the offsets are at any time by clicking on the
Disp. Flexure button.
If you turn this feature on while pointed at a region, you will see the
displayed Telescope Coordinates change by the
amount of the flexure, while the solar position display remains the same,
since flexure means the telescope is not really pointing to where it thinks it
is. Turning on flexure update is essentially saying, "I am at this
point on the sun, but I know the telescope isn't really pointed there
because of flexure, so keep track of that and keep me pointed at these
coordinates even as the telescope begins to flex more."
Solar coordinates = Telescope coordinates - Flexure offsets.
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