Starting and Stopping the PDPRP

Starting and Stopping the PDPRP


To start the PDPRP package at the beginning of each observing day, simply execute the command pdprp on Ingrid while logged in as obs. The pdprp script launches HQ, Telpos, LBC, and two versions of Telcon, one for the 10" and one for the 26" telescope. If you are only running one telescope, for some reason, you can safely quit Telcon at any time. Do not quit HQ or Telpos, however, until you are shutting down for the day.

There is also a page with guidelines for Starting and Stopping the Cycle in LBC.


If for some reason, any of the programs stop running, you can re-start them at the Unix command line individually. The commands are:

Quitting PDPRP

At the end of the day, you need to quit each of the running programs via their Quit buttons, or by typinq quit on the command line. We may eventually have a way to quit all the programs at once. If so, you will hear about it here.

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