PDPRP Technical LBC Description

PDPRP Technical LBC Description

Like most of the codes in the PDPRP package, I have tried to document the LBC sources internally. Here, I present a sort-of flowchart for the program along with any hints or tricks pertinent to each section.

The C Code

These routines are all called in main().

The Tcl/Tk Code

The Tcl/Tk part of lbc, lbc.tcl has no execution loop of its own. It is simply the GUI front-end for lbc.c. There are 5 routines in it which the C programs calls:

There's a ton of code just setting up the GUI and making bindings on the Entry gadgets so the user can't enter nonsense in them, like non-numerals for the Cycle and Dwell times and spaces in the Camera Name which would mess up reading the values back in with the scan (Tcl) and fscanf (C) commands. There's also a lot of code to keep track of what parameters the user has changed and what fields should be displayed when (the Dwell Time, for example, is not displayed when the bench is under a Host-computer control).

The code keeps track of two files with settings, bench.params and bench.save. bench.params is the standard settings file that gets read automatically on start-up and saved automatically every time the cycle is Started or the program Quit. bench.save is the alternate set of parameters the observer can Save and Load on demand.

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